Tuesday – 02.02.21

Today’s timetable


  • Maths: Mental arithmetic
  • SPaG: Converting formal sentences to informal and informal to formal. 


  • Reading: Book club – Chapter 5 Stig of The Dump

Breaking News!

Mt Etna, in Sicily, has erupted over the weekend!  We only covered volcanos just over a week ago and (almost) one cue, one of the nearest ones to us has decided to put on a little show for us!

Click the picture of the volcano below to watch a video of Etna erupting!

Gif For Volcano | Eruption Lava Volcano Gif @ Gifimages.pics


Let’s warm you up on a cold day with some mental arithmetic…what level can you get to?

Click me!

Now let’s see if you can use your arithmetic skills to help you decode this snow day themed code breaker!  Where do penguins keep their money?

Click me next!

For anyone who fancies a bit more work on coind and money, I found a really nice interactive activity on giving change to £1.  You have to think fast to choose the correct coins to make the total a pound.  When you are on the site, click learn with an example to be shown what to do.

Lastly, click me!


Yesterday, you looked at the difference between formal and informal language and when to use each style.  Today, let’s look at correcting the misuse of the wrong type of language.  To warm-up, we have a few silly examples of formal and informal phrases that we would like you to switch the style of.  Then, we are going to proof read and edit a letter in which the author has got really mixed up with their use of formal and informal language.They are supposed to have written a formal letter but lots of informal language has crept in!  Can you identify the bits that are too informal and re-write them?

[embeddoc url=”https://birdwellyear3.edublogs.org/files/2021/02/Formal-vs-informal-sentences.docx” download=”all” viewer=”google” ]

Here are the correct, informal sections highlighted that you, hopefully, spotted and fixed.

[embeddoc url=”https://birdwellyear3.edublogs.org/files/2021/02/formal-vs-informal-ANSWERS.docx” width=”200%” height=”100px” download=”all” viewer=”google” ]


As you know, our Book Club book is Stig of the Dump, by Clive King.  Go to the tab on the menu at the top of this screen that says Book Club and you will find all of the work we have done so far on chapters 1 to 4 as well as a new challenge for this week on chapter 5, The Snargets.  You guys are really going to enjoy this chapter!  Watch the video to see me read out the first part of the video (in my dulcet tones) and then we are going to use our prediction skills to try today’s challenge.

Afternoon challenges!

This afternoon we want you to enjoy this snow! Mr Mathieson has set you a challenge to see who can make the ‘coolest’ snowman! You can take lots of photos and send them into Mr Mathieson and Miss Housley and we will pop these onto the blog as soon as we get them!

You could even link to topic and make a snow volcano!

We can’t wait to see what you design!

Get out for a nice walk in the snow if you want to and enjoy the snow while it lasts!

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